I am reminded that there is some BOP staff that try to help

I received my TDAP (RDAP aftercare) treatment plan today and had a productive meeting with my DTS (drug treatment staff). Considering his law enforcement background, I initially had reservations (just being honest). However, after several meetings, I'm comfortable saying he understands and genuinely cares about his clients/patients (whatever you want to call us). I have continued to be impressed with him.
I have been very vocal of late about my thoughts on how brutal the BOP staff is. However, I recognize the need to acknowledge both the positives and negatives. Though I'm not completely signing off on my DTS just yet, I appreciate the effort he has put in so far. I have however encountered staff who have initially put a solid first foot forward only later to fully disappoint.
Staff at Leavenworth
Ms. Katz, my DTS at Leavenworth, was solid, and I've made it a point to recognize her as one of the 'good ones.' I am not praising her for being nice and for being a rare staff member with acutal empathy. I am doing it because she is good at her job. Shes very clever and she will go the extra mile for almost any inmate. Thats rare. My interactions were limited with Ms. Linaweaver but she also is talented and seems to genuinely want to help the inmates.
Dr. Kerivan has a tough job, but as her experience grows I am hopeful RDAP at Leavenworth can become the place people want to go because they hear good things about the program itself. They have that potential. Although negativity spreads to easily there and it knocks the program off the positive streak it gets on. It's on her to make this fix. This needs to be her program.
My boss in the kitchen (McCoy) was tough but fair. You didn't want to get on his bad side. But I'm fine with tough as long as you knew their rules (and they were consistent with them) .
Noll was solid. A good guy. Again tough but fair.
The one time I really screwed up....Kangus (kitchen CO) could have fired me but he gave me another chance. I always appreciated that.
Williams - our nite time Head guard. He got along with lots of inmates. I had limited interaction with him. But if you knew his rules you could avoid trouble. He was consistent & didn't seem to mess with people for fun.
Here is my treatment TDAP treatment plan:
