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Oct 23, 20247 min read
Ink Behind Bars: Can a Pen Set You Free in Federal Prison?
One of the strategies we encourage people to adopt is writing book reports. When I first heard about this approach through White Collar...

Aug 1, 202411 min read
This is as detailed an RDAP description as you will find. This article was assembled using 4 RDAP participants from 3 different RDAP camps.

May 28, 20243 min read
Navigating the First Step Act: A Journey of Persistence and Advocacy
The article below was written by Waiel "Wally" Yaghnam (a fellow inmate who was at the LPC while I was). Wally, while at the Halfway...

May 25, 20249 min read
“Unshackled Ambition: GRIT in Federal Prison”
The ultimate challenge in life is finding a career doing something you love. Here I am at 48, just finishing 11 months in Federal prison at

May 10, 20244 min read
Your Federal Judge. The most important moment in your life.
How often will you find yourself standing before a judge, pleading for them to see the best in you, overlook the bad, and determine your...

Apr 11, 20245 min read
RDAP Journey: How RDAP Saved My Life
RDAP can help save your life if you let it. But for those that think it will be easy, you will quickly find out it is not.

Jan 15, 202417 min read
#66 Coops Weekly - I'm DONE!!! (* I still have supervised release)
Every week (66 weeks) I have written a newsletter detailing my adventures in prison. I saved the best for last.

Jan 8, 20248 min read
#65 Coops Weekly - One week left on Home Confinement (but who's counting)
As part of my punishment I am not allowed to go anywhere ("Movement that necessitates an Ambulance...was the only way I can leave my...

Jan 1, 202410 min read
#64 Coops Weekly - Life from Home Confinement
Craziest thing I have heard/seen on Home Confinement. Out of the 390 + days I have spent in some form of incarceration. MY SCARIEST day...

Dec 25, 20236 min read
#63 Coops Weekly - Life from Home Confinement
We had a Christmas Party at the DRC (daily reporting center). WHAT???? I cannot make fun of this event ... it was a sincere effort made...

Dec 18, 20231 min read
Projected Release Date Calculator HOW LONG WILL I BE IN JAIL? Where to find info - FEDERAL FAQ
EVERY inmate spends countless hours trying to predict there release date. Prison Professors has outdone themselves and built a chart. ...

Dec 18, 20235 min read
#62 Coops Weekly - Life from Home Confinement
Does an inmate ever win any battles against staff & guards (I was asked this question recently which spawned a long conversation)? The...

Dec 16, 20231 min read
In case these are ever needed. I cant believe we found all these numbers. You start with the RRM and work your way down. 1.) Arinda...

Dec 11, 20237 min read
#61 - COOPS WEEKLY - Life from Home Confinement
Wearing the ankle monitor is a trip. Nobody really notices it unless they stare (but people do notice it occasionally)…. one of my...

Dec 6, 20235 min read
Understanding Halfway House Intake and the Importance of a Release Plan (9 things to plan for)
During a halfway house intake, staff assess your readiness to reintegrate into society. They aim to gauge what you've learned and assess...

Dec 5, 20237 min read
SURVIVAL Guide for Half-way House - What you need to know (including list of things to bring)
list of essentials / Halfway house survival list One of the questions I keep getting is what do I need (or advice) for each leg of the...

Dec 5, 202311 min read
COOPS WEEKLY - Life from Home Confinement #59
I keep getting asked this question. “I heard staff/inmates don’t like RDAP….is this true? At first, I used to give a mellow answer...

Dec 1, 20234 min read
COOPS Weekly - Life from Home-Confinement #60 I received some feedback on my newsletters. That feedback was essentially that my tone had changed (I had gotten...

Nov 25, 20236 min read
COOPS Weekly - Life from Home Confinement #58
This week’s newsletter has been timed perfectly to coincide when I’m in a mood for the week. Some good news from Leavenworth first....

Nov 17, 202312 min read
COOPS WEEKLY - Life from Home Confinement #56
Throwing money away at the US’s oldest prison. Dignitaries at recent Leavenworth ground breaking ceremony The news from Leavenworth....

Nov 17, 20235 min read
COOPS Weekly - Life from Home Confinement #57
GEO Resendential Rentry Center Office. Where my classes are. FORMS We had a ton of new people check in to the HRC. They were asked to...

Nov 15, 202325 min read
The SCOTT CARPER Arrest Story
My arrest story: A massive mistake, a crazy tale, and how this life-changing experience may have also saved my life.

Nov 14, 20232 min read
I am reminded that there is some BOP staff that try to help I received my TDAP (RDAP aftercare) treatment plan today and had a productive...

Nov 13, 20233 min read
Home Confinement (Is it better then prison?) Its not what people think it is.
I know most people will freak out with my statement ....but hear me out. Home confinement is not at all what most people think it is. ...
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